What is the name of the name of the brige that is shown in the beginning of the show?
- San Fransisco Bridge
- Tower Bridge
- Potomac Bridge
- London Bridge
What river runs through London?
- The Seine
- The Thames
- The Devon
- The Porridge
Who built the first bridge over the river Thames?
- The Greek
- The French
- The Turkish
- The Romans
What do people in London call their metro?
- The subway
- The tube
- The tram
How many bridges go over the Thames?
- 29
- 37
- 27
- 39
Madam Tussaud's has an exhibition of ...
- Stone statues
- Paintings
- Wax models
- Mirrors
How many people shop at Harrod's every day?
- 5000
- 25000
- 35000
- 15000
What are buskers?
- Street musicians
- Mimes
- Models
- Stuntmen
What play of Agatha Christie has a world record?
- The Mouse Trap
- Death on the Thames
- Death on the Nile
- Hercule Poirot
Dr Johnson said: " When you're tired of London, you're tired of ...
- Yourself
- Life
- England
- Your wife