Most people in Britain live in ...
- Flats
- Houses
What is a detached house?
- A house with one house next to it.
- A house that stands alone.
- A house with two houses next to it.
- A house with a flat roof.
A synonym for living room is:
- Dining room
- Office room
- Storrage room
- Sitting room
What don't you find in a British kitchen?
- A fridge
- A lawn mower
- A kettle
- An oven
What do you find upstairs?
- Bedrooms
- The basement
- The garage
Most British people prefer...
- A bath
- A shower
Another word for a big house is:
- A ranch
- A bungalow
- A hacienda
- A mansion
What is the most famous home in Britain?
- Buckingham Palace
- Crystal Palace
- The White house
- Versailles