Festivals in Britain
Festivals in Britain
Multiple Choice
What do people remember on Guy Fawkes?
- The end of World War 2.
- People trying to blow up the king.
- The birth of Jesus.
- The beginning of summer.
Pancake Day is in ...
- June
- January
- February
Halloween is a festival of ...
- scary things
- the church
- the queen
- love
When do people open their Christmas presents?
- On Christmas Day.
- On Christmas Eve.
- Two weeks after Christmas.
What is not inside crackers?
- A joke
- A hat
- Candy
- A present
What is put inside a Christmas pudding?
- A present
- A key
- A spoon
- A coin
What do they call Christmas in Scotland?
- Homtopont
- Hogmanay
- Haggis
- Nofpot