A new front door
Grateful for the years I’ve had
The kids gave me a date to keep free for …
A membrane
Informal care = mantelzorg
I received two North Pole concerts ( Beauty and the Beast)
Impressive = impresionant
The film was shown on a large screen while the orchestra performed the music live
The venue = where it happened
The essence = essentie
If you only have an eye for the outside, you won’t see the inside and will never enjoy the inner beauty.
He who judges finds himself alone and imprisoned in the body.
Affectionate = liefhebbend
Turning point
An event = gebeurtenis
A backup plan
A diary =journal
A fragile injury = gevoelige kwetsuur
Postpone =to put off until …
He is in the hospital
Arterial blockage in the legs
He is in terrible pain
His thighs hurt a lot
Municipalities = gemeenten
The right of way = voorrang op de weg
To decrease = to go down
A disadvantage = nadeel
Priority = voorrang
He teaches initiation lessons in primary schools about how to ride safely with the bike.
There is a need for better training as the basic skills ar sometimes disastrous.
They learn how to perform many actions in a short time.
The speed limit
Moonlighting = a side job = bij-job
This ensures that they have more confidence on their bike = dit verzekert dat ze meer zelfzeker zijnop hun fiets.
To take a bend = een draai nemen
Kids can be very verbal= ze zijn niet op hun mondje gevallen
The beltway = de ring
It was well-taken care off.
To read – read –read
Platform= perron
He hesitates = hij aarzelt, twijfelt
My head is too full
It never rains, it pours = Het regent niet, het giet >> een ongeluk komt nooit alleen.
Injustice = onrecht
Calm before the storm
Treat my eyes with an ointment ( = zalf) and eye-drops
The itch >> it itches
To scratch= krabben
Available = beschikbaar
No alcohol was available
A waiter came= een ober kwam
A fixed menu means the same food for every-one
It should run smoothly= het zou vlotjes moeten verlopen
Nothing could be further from the truth = niets was minder waar.
Dessert is for example ice-cream
Desert= woestijn
Otherwise = anders
We had gotten up early = we waren vroeg opgestaan
Poor communication= slechte communicatie
A guide = gids
A fellow traveller = medereiziger
Poor Eye-sight= slechtziend
We knew = we wisten
A knight = ridder
Petrol-station = benzine station
Problem solved =probleem opgelost
To prevent
Inconvenience = ongemakkelijk
A cold = verkoudheid
The journey = de reis
To cough = hoesten
To sneeze = niezen
Motion sickness= reisziek
To catch –caught – caught
Due to = te wijten aan
Boiling hot
I couldn’t get much sleep= ik kon niet veel slaap krijgen
To sit upright= rechtop zitten
In succession = na elkaar
To suppress = onderdrukken
Setbacks= tegenslagen
To vomit = braken
Unconcious = buiten bewustzijn
Wrist = pols
Fortunately = godzijdank
The entire day = de gehele dag
In the meantime= ondertussen
The railway station = het station
The group sympathized with the poor lady
All’s well that ends well = eind goed al goed
+ She jumped in the water and swam to England.
? Did she jump and did she swim?
Where did she jump?
Who swam?
Who jumped?
The door opened unexpectedly on Sunday
What opened unexpectedly.
When did the door open.
I’m in the kitchen
She does not like school.
She doesn’t like school.
I’m happy
You’re happy
The water edge = de waterrand
My foot was stuck= mijn voet zat vast
My toe nail=mijn teen nagel
To remove = verwijderen
My toe tip = top van mijn teen
Anemia= bloedarmoede
Intestines = darmen
Stomach= maag
Iron deficiency = ijzertekort
The government deficit = overheidstekort
Horse beef
Horse milk is very healthy
Pain in my hips due to arthrosis
No pain no gain
Guidance = begeleiding
back roads = binnenwegen
The canal = kanaal
Self-care is important
MIA= missing in action
Absence makes the heart grow fonder
A stubborn man? = koppig
The woman makes the man think he’s coming up with his own ideas, while they are her ideas
Cars of the firm
Peaky blinders >> neighbourhood watch
Nosy people?
A turbine
They do it out of their own= uit hun eigen beweging
Armpit = oksel
Snails and slugs
Blackbird = merel
The magpie = ekster
The jackdaw = kauw
Woodpecker = specht
Ants = mieren
Aunt = tante
IQ is going down
Insight = inzicht
Is it nature or nurture?
The easy way out
The learn by heart
A violin has strings
Amare art tour
The man who gives fire
To give a light
You need a lighter to light a cigarette
He is on his bare feet
I burn heavier than allowed and foreseen
Hop on hop off
The house is for sale
Last Saturday good weather at last.
The runway was wet, which was dangerous for the landing gear.
It was too much of a risk.
A flight simulator
A water puddle
To slip and slide = slippen en schuiven
To fly slowly
Nature’s law
Clouds that look like cauliflower are cumulus
Air bubbles
Life stock = cattle
The runway
Because of security reasons the airplane needs two engines
Airplane = aeroplane
They are trained to land on very short runways.
I bought my first glider
My granddaughter needs a recipe to bake cookies
An immersion trip into ADHD
The medication needs to be on point.
The first term
One-on-one lessons
Recreation >> leisure
Julien is tired of eating potatoes
Is fed up
I was invited by Greenpeace to take a trip on the Northsea.
A clipper is a ship with sails
Misty morning
Jorgen Bruggeman
Geert Vandekerkhove
Brenda Magnus
Magda Lammertijn
Lien De Waele
Roos Tack
Myriam Verbeke
Half an hour = een half uur
An inflammation = ontsteking
An eye lid= ooglid
GP= General Practitioner= huisarts (BRITS)
It itches = het jeukt
An allergy
It could be better = het zou beter kunnen
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
January, February, March, April, May, June, July,
August, September, October, November, December
Spring, summer, autumn (the fall) , winter
Seriously ill= ernstig ziek
Gloomy = neerslachtig
The outdoors = het buiten zijn
Diarrhoea = the runs
The vomit = to throw up = overgeven
to puke = to barf = kotsen
I couldn’t keep any food or drinks down= niets kunnen binnenhouden
Esophagus = slokdarm
I am hangry = angry + hungry
Look at the bright side = zie aan het aan de positieve kant
To promise = beloven
It was organised by De Meibloem together with Amazing from Antwerp.
To occur = gebeuren
To arise = opkomen
Message = bericht
As a result = als resultaat
Schedule = schema
Busier traffic = drukker verkeer
Possible= mogelijk
Boarding pass
After a while = na een tijdje
To receive = ontvangen
A suitcase = koffer
A label = a tag
A distance = afstand
To weigh = wegen
However = hoedanook
Insecure = onzeker
A relief =
To be willing = bereid zijn
Luggage= baggage
Valuable time
Soil = bodem
So so = zo zo
The podium
The jersey = de trui
First communion
Twenty children, including 5 grandchildren
Sure to be a beautiful day = zeker een mooie dag te zijn
Whit Sunday = Pentecoast = Pinksteren
+ She jumped in the river and swam to the other side.
- She didn’t jump and she didn’t swim
? Did she jump and did she swim?
Did she go to the party? Yes, she did.
Did she stay home? No, she didn’t.
Did she visit a friend? Yes, she did.
Did she eat lasagne? No, she didn’t.
Did she see a film? Yes, she did.
Did Edward go to the party? No, he didn’t.
To join= vervoegen, er bij blijven
Did he stay home? Yes, he did.
Did he eat a steak. No, he didn’t.
Did he work in the garden?
Did he go to bed at 11 o’clock.
Casa Blanca ( The White House) is the capital of Morocco.
Moroccon soil
We picked up our suitcase
To notice = vaststellen
The complaints desk=klachten bureau
A few days= enkele dagen
Maybe = misschien
It might happen = het zou kunnen gebeuren
A courier service = koerierdienst
Collect it yourself
The prodigal son = de verloren zoon
Once we arrived = eenmaal we waren toegekomen
Repair = herstellen
A day trip with Samana is always an adventure
We had some samples of the chocolates and it was delicious
We could buy some as well
In Lichtervelde we got some fruit and vegetables.
Patience is a virtue = Geduld is een deugd
We had our 40th wedding anniversary.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder = when you don’t see each other a lot you love each other more.
A hobby of mine is going to the theatre for a play.
We often see comedies
A hilarious play
The public = the audience
On a regular base= op regelmatige basis
Stand-up comedy
It’s not my cup of tea= it’s not my thing
GP= general practitioner
An ulcer = zweer
Very annoying
The pus= etter
A prescription for an ointment= voorschrift voor zalf
My stomach is upset because of the meds.
Pressure on my eye
Try to make an appointment with an eye-doctor.
An injection
Sedation = verdoving
A milestone = mijlpaal
Algae = algen
He was able to answer 70% of the questions
To retire= zicht terugtrekken
The chairman= voorzitter
To praise someone = iemand prijzen
A doctorate
He received many congratulations
He did a lot of research in the laboratory
To peep >> peeping Tom = gluurder
A tomboy= a girl that plays boy games, soccer
a carriage
a cart
the horses turned automatically
we steered the carriage
a one-way street
a dirt road >> off road
dirt = aarde
to harvest >> a harvester
the reins = teugels
to put the cart before the horse = to do things in the wrong order
it’s an accident waiting to happen
You ride a horse
You need to be foreseeing
Enjoy the silence
In May we always go to Oostakker
He was injured very badly
He was wanted by the Germans
Belgian waffles with whipped cream
Whip =zweep
A twig = takje
We take turns to invite each other
The flood >> flooding
Autumn = the fall
The chapel >> Our Lady = Onze Lieve Vrouw
Marian apparition= Maria verschijning
A jet = straalvliegtuig
to blink an eye
the meadow
a lieutenant = a leftenant
Rubbernecking is a derogatory term primarily used to refer to bystanders staring at accidents.
A concrete runway = betonnen landingsbaan
Relaxing strolls through the fields of Egem
Leisure >> doing nothing
The old ball and chain
The solitude
You can’t share >> to share what happened in your day.
50 years of marital bliss
To leave the door ajar
One week together was more than enough.
Don’t outwait your welcome.
Go to the seaside, the beach.
I can’t live with or without you …
Split the stick in half …
You can’t intervene, you can’t meddle
I build a wall or a moat around me so I can’t get hurt.
A widow / a widower
Company >> friends ( with benefits)
The nineth of September = September nineth
It is suffocating
It isn’t easy
My biggest worry is what is to become of you?
Moonlighting = having a second job
To be resilient = weerbaar zijn
I was spoiled.
I couldn’t afford / pay for the insurance
We made it , we’ve come a long way
On the surface I look self-assured
The siblings are very close together.
It is water under the bridge.
He lacks a lot of sleep = he needs a lot of sleep
There is a lack of common sense in politics.
A stubborn jackass= koppige ezel
He lost his teeth
It annoys him
A guinea pig = proefkonijn
A caesarean section
The womb = baarmoeder
My father was mobilized in WW2
POW= prisoner of war
He escaped
He stayed in the basement throughout the war.
The guards = wachters
There are many flies
I hear her up to me.
My birthday was at the end of April.
My seventieth ( 70th) birthday
The grandchildren read a letter and I received a white rose
A new front door <<>> back door
Beautiful country
To cross the coast = de kust doorkruisen
The mountains = Bergen
To admire = bewonderen
The desert = woestijn
Dessert = cake
The interior = binnenland
Imperial = keizerlijk >> empire = keizerrijk
Heritage = erfenis
An heir = erfgenaam
An heiress = Lady Myriam
Approximately = ongeveer
To forget
Clouded= bewolkt
It could have taken two days less= het mocht twee dagen minder geweest zijn
A mosque(s) = moskee
The heighest = he hoogste / de meeste
Kasbak is made out of mud and straw = gemaakt uit modder en stro
Behind a defense wall= verdedigingsmuur
Residential= residentieel
The souk is Arabic for market
Courtyard = binnentuin
A mansion = een herenhuis
Fortified = versterkt
Immediately = onmiddellijk
Setbacks = tegenslagen
A mark = een stempel
The deepest secret of being happy is being good to yourself
Guard your limits
Give yourself space
In Flanders fields where the poppies grow,
Between the crosses row on row
I’m retired but I have a lack / shortage of time
I sleep in = sleep a little longer
I am no longer in the rat race, but people love to use my precious time
I am an early bird
The early bird catches the worm = de ochtenstond …
He sleeps throughout the night.
Sunburn >> to get sunburnt
We can get a lot of vitamin D on sunny days.
Too much sunshine can be harmful
The risk is highest between noon and three pm, especially in June
Tanning beds >> zonnebank
Sun protection, buy it at the pharmacy
Sunglasses = shades
Specs = spectacles = glasses
Shade = shadow
Nature improves your concentration
To suspect
To be confirmed = bevestigd worden
To subject = onderwerpen
A subject = onderwerp / proefpersoon
Guinea pig = proefkonijn
A participant= deelnemer
To measure = meten
A test has been administrated= begeleid
To suggest = sugereren
Prikkels ???
The theatre
Suicidal >> suicide
Despite = ondanks
A witty story = geestig / gevat
An actor uses props on the stage
Times of distress = tijden van zielenood
There is always hope
The audience = the public
When God closes a door he opens a window.
Always look at the bright side of life ( © Monty Python)
Think about the solution
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade
Fairy tale
Cinderella = Assepoester
Little Red Riding Hood
Lion King
Little Thumpkin
Hanz and Gretel
The three piglets
Sleeping Beauty
Comic Books
Second-hand bookstore
The thrift store= kringloopwinkel
A novel = roman
www.= double you double you double you dot
world wide web
The amphitheatre of Boom
The slugs are snails without a house
The track of the snails is slimy
Sinous is the adjective of sinus >> curvy
A curve = a bend
Broken eggshell
There is a slug invasion
Not too bad = I’m fine
Zero waste week
Only very few customers
The earth will be flooded
Larvae, bugs
The will be more vineyards in Northern Europe thus making wine cheaper
The art academy
The pub ( UK) = The bar (US) >> a tavern
Local beers >> local breweries
They were hardly able to pick up the waste.
The houses were demolished.
Across my house they are building new apartments.
Home for the elderly = rest home
The sewer grid = rioolrooster
Night and day
Cowboys and crooks = misdadiger
Silence before the storm
The president has a running mate to become vice president.
There are not many female candidates.
The transition between the sand and the painting is very vague.
An heir gets a heritage.
The cavalry >> horses
A maze = a labyrinth
Contemporary art = modern art
The Hague >> The International Court of Justice
Very accessible
Be aware of the bikes.
Public transport is the way to visit a Dutch town.
The womb, the uterus
The music contest
A subscription = abonnement
They are working on the railway / the railroad
The cardiologist and the dentist were happy
To brush teeth and to floss
My former dentist
A bus trip to Tournay with 41 middle aged women.
29 municipalities
A guide on foot
The nave of cathedral needs to be restored.
The belfry is twice as high as supposed to be for a greater display of power.
Three sandwiches with gossip.
Museums and churches
I had a fever in the evening
Abdominal pain >> drugs / meds /
Inflammation = ontsteking
Contamination = besmetting
One woman >> two women
A drive-in-theatre where you can go watch a film by car.
A vulgar film
Anemia = bloedarmoede
A long bike trip to go pick up an oltimer
The inaccuracies can’t be seen with the naked eye.
They put your groceries in paper bags
To exchange money
I was flabbergasted = shocked
An iris-scan >> finger prints
I have arthrosis in my fingers
a privately owned car
an estimator gives an estimate how much something ( eg a car is worth)
a card dealer
a mechanic
the heating