Stand up against cancer
Last week he ran 30 k
When he came down the stairs he felt an ache in his legs.
She was sound of mind= clever
Pilgrimage >> pilgrims
He did the pilgrimage twice
The hills of Halle
850 teams with 3400 runners
Starting fee was more than €2500 per team
You have to pay in advance
They want to be sure that they get their money
One minute of silence for the cancer victims
The sense of oneness, belonging, connectedness
The money goes to cancer research to increase the chance of survival.
To cheer >> cheerleader
They can sing along
The weather was nice, no rain.
Ukrainian wooden eggs
A bib = bavette
A ribbon for in the hair >> hairband
A wooden block for the pin of the cello
Shove >> slide
Wellies >> Wellington boots
Choir members pass away >> the group is thinning out.
They have not worked since last month
Many lorries (UK) = trucks ( US)
Lory is a typical name for a parrot
To mend clothes = sew up the holes
Afterschool care
Start anew >> Clean up the cobwebs
The harbour >> the port
A dredger = ship that works with the bottom of the sea
Sea pilot = loods
The tides of the sea >> high tide / low tide
An offshore support ship
A ship crew works in the engine room
It is automatised
They make trenches
They can shatter small rocks
Morocco has many solar panels
Sea quake >> earthquake
They can sabotage the cables
Generators for electricity
The postal pigeons are still very popular.
The graveyard shift = working at night, the night shift
I stepped with my big toe on a garden fork. It was bleeding heavily. I needed a tetanus shot.
Safety shoes
Safety goggles and earplugs and a helmet and a hairnet.
Fabric = stof
Upholster = stoffeerder
Someone who covers frames of chairs and furniture
Christoforus =
George Ferris is the founder of a ferris wheel
Penny-farthing is a type of bicycle
A school assignment= school commission
I went to Ostend. My boyfriend turned 60 and we had breakfast and went to Ostend to an exhibition about Arno
We went for an hour and the n went to Bruges for a walk.
I drove to Germany to the factory.
A friend of mine
My heart skipped a beat
Invoice = factuur
A quote / quotation = offerte
German factories are specialized in gliders ( planes)
To fold the wings
Crossroads >> intersection
Cars that are not properly parked.
I taught him how to fly.
They filed a complaint
Gas explosion in an industrial zone
The tracing of the pipes
To excavate >> an excavator
He scratched the edge of the pipeline
You could smell the gas
Crane man >> crane operator
The pressure is 60kg per square cm >> cm2
Odorless >> you can’t smell it
In pipeline transportation, pigging is the practice of using pipeline inspection devices generally referred to as pigs or scrapers, to perform various maintenance operations.
The ratio
Steel burns
Spiral welded piper
The valve = ventiel / klep
Hydrogen = waterstof
To extinguish an electric car
I got a haircut. I went to the hairdresser, the hairsalon, but not the barber.
Fire-fighters = brandweer/ spuitgasten/pompiers
So so = in between
Listen to your body
The chef = the cook
A detour = een omweg
It lifts you up = het montert op
I have been busy >> a busy bee = bezige bij
I cycled/ biked to Pittem = a beautiful village
To explore = ontdekken / voorbereiden
A hike = wandeltocht
A provided rest area= de voorziene rustplaats
Previously = vorige keer
As agreed = zoals afgesproken
Previously on Columbo
the town square= dorpsplein
the market
square = vierkant
He is a square = het is een saaie knul
The pub doesn’t open until 4pm
A quarter to 4 = 15:45 ( three forty-five)
Wait a while= efkes wachten
Assumption = ten hemelopneming
Immediately = onmiddelijk
In the search for the deepest reason, of human happiness I didn’t find it with money, possession, luxury or parties.
In happy people I found spontaneous joy in small things and great simplicity (eenvoudigheid)
I never found the urge (de drang) for
self-aggrandizement (zelfverheerlijking)
in happy people.
Such people are human treasures.
Sincere = welgemeend
Just believe in yourself ( geloof in jezelf). Always have faith (vertrouwen / geloof) in your abilities (capaciteiten / mogelijkheden). You are braver ( moediger >> brave) than you think. You are more talented than you know and more capable (bekwaam) than you can imagine.
Conveyer belt = loopband
Worcestershire sauce
Or = of
Do you want ketchup or mayonaisse
The mayor of Tielt is happy= de burgemeester VAN Tielt
Over 14,000= meer dan 14.000
Past Simple
I called
You called
He/ she / it called
We called
You called
They called
I called >> +ED
I invite >> I invited +D
I try >> I tried
I play >> played
I stop >> stopped
I prefer >> I preferred
I picnic >> picnicked
I travel >> I travelled
To obey = gehoorzamen
To sob = snikken
my former neighbour= the neighbour that used to live next to me.
There is a strange picture of George and Kate, the former (eerstgenoemde) standing up, the latter ( laatstgenoemde) sitting down.
A child out of wedlock = buitenechtelijk
An illegitimate child
I read an article
The 6633 arctic marathon in Canada is 406 kilometers.
He has conquered skin cancer, two broken vertebrae ( wervels)
The marathon has been around since 2007
Minus 25 degrees during the day.
He had to pull a heavy sled ( zware slee)
He invested in the material himself.
Schools with empty sandwich boxes.
Children in poverty
There are many risks along the way.
He wants to be famous.
Swim in open waters.
A wetsuit = duikpak
Cardiac arrests = heart attack
cardiac vein rupture = Hartaderbreuk
The lady was 96 and hospitalised.
A craft = ambacht
It tickled >> to tickle
I’m very proud of my grandson. This morning I went for a walk to see the little bundle of joy
The midwife= vroedvrouw
3kg 840 and 54cm
3 godfathers
Dedicated to = gewijd aan
My daughter has torn (gescheurde) ligaments
Rugby accident
She needs to rest a lot and support her foot.
Ice helps against the swelling
A brace >> brace yourself
The sale = verkoop
41 packages
It’s not cured >> to cure
Past Simple
I worked +ED
You worked
He / she / it worked
We worked
You worked
They worked
I invite >> I invited +D
I try >> I tried
I play >> played
I stop >> stopped
I picnic >> picnicked
I travel >> I travelled
A polar bear lives on the arctic = North Pole
Antarctic = South Pole ( pinguins)
Menagerie = zoo
To surrender = overgeven / overdragen
The surrender = de overgave
Throughout = doorheen
Traffic jam
50 minutes
17 kilometers
Mud and dirt
A track on the field / the road
Skid marks= remsporen
To climb>> Mt Everest climbers poo
A slope
To fall sick= to become ill
To vomit >> to throw up >> to puke (kotsen)
It reeks = it stinks
Acceptable>> you can’t accept it
Bio-degradable= biologisch afbreekbaar
Wood chips = schaafsel
The slopes
The summit = the top
Faeces = poo
The sidewalk= trottoir
To water the plants
Cats pee on the garage door.
The cats mark their territory.
A measure = maatregel
the dignity = waardigheid
to safeguard= veilig houden, bewaken
climbers : ‘the ‘b’ is silent’
a knife
Worcestershire sauce
A knight in shining armour = ridder op het witte paard
1F / 2F / 3T / 4T / 5T / 6T /7F /8F
To discard = to leave behind
1F / 2C / 3J / 4B / 5F/ 6H / 7D / 8I / 9E / 10G
Phrase Match
1G /2E / 3J / 4I / 5B / 6D / 7A/ 8F / 9C /10H
1 waste
3 acceptable
4 bio-degradable
5 dispose
6 contents
7 pollution
8 equipment
9 oxygen
10 summit
11 iconic
12 safeguard
Closing toilet-seat lids
A lid= deksel
Put a lid on it! = Shut up!
To dispel = to put away>> it’s rubbish
Supposition = veronderstelling
To suppose
Livingston I presume( veronderstellen)
To presume = to suppose
To flush the toilet
To determine
Lavatory = WC
To contaminate= besmetten
Put the toilet seat down
The lockdown started 4 years ago
A surface = oppervlak
Prior= op voorhand
To mitigate= to make softer / reduce
To contaminate
A bowl of cereal
Toilet bowl
To germs= microben
Youth movement = jeugdbeweging
Fabric softener = wasverzachter
Dermatologically tested
Cracks in the skin
Alloy = legering
Ribbed = geribbeld
Germs = bacteria
To disinfect
Hygienic measures
1F / 2T / 3T / 4F / 5F / 6F / 7T / 8F
Synonym Match
1i / 2A / 3F / 4H / 5C / 6J / 7D / 8E / 9B / 10G
Airplane' is the preferred spelling in American English, while 'aeroplane' is commonly used in British English
Phrase Match
1E / 2J / 3B / 4H / 5A / 6D / 7I /8C / 9G /10F
A calling= een roeping
They know how to handle things.
1 supposition
2 micro-biologists
3 areal
4 particles
5 pathogens
6 contaminates
7 infect
8 swap
9 statistical
10 mitigate
11 surfaces
March 7th
My house is cleaned for half
Cleaning the windows.
Stepladder = trapladder
A ladder
The children play together. It was good.
I worked in the garden
I mowed the lawn
Some pruning needs to be done.= Er moet wat gesnoeid worden.
Due to the wet weather there are already a lot of snails ( Door het weer zijn er reeds veel slakken)
They eat all the buds.= knopjes
The caterpillar = rupsen
They do a lot of damage.= ze brengen veel schade aan.
A nest box = nestkastje
A coal tit = koolmees
Blue tit= pimpelmees
There aren’t good days without bad days.
A blue day.
The blues >> I have the blues
A member = lid / ledemaat
The expression = de uitdrukking
To be tired = het moe zijn
For there is in London all that life can afford= Want in Londen is er alles dat het leven te bieden heeft.
A quote = iets dat iemand anders gezegd heeft >> quotatie
A treat = verwenning
A fountain
Wishing well= wensput
The monarch = Charles
Changing of the guards= de wissel van de wacht
South bank= zuidelijke oever
Major ( Grote)<<>> minor
A staircase = trap
Corridor= gang
Chimes = geklingel
March 7th
Carnaval parade in Tielt City
It was short
The market was quickly empty.
I was inside the coffeehouse.
Tea-room >> coffeeshop
Confetti is forbidden
We’re having chicken for dinner.
What do you want first: the good news or the bad news?
Psychiatrist recommend starting with the bad news.
A positive note can be comforting = troostend
Take each other’s feelings into account ( rekening houden met), but above all, be honest.
Dickpics = pictures of the weewee
Deepnude = fake naked pictures
I had a briefing about the Folies, a brand (merk)
Breaded schnitzel ( gepannneerd)
Wheat = tarwe
Weed = onkruid , wiet
rich protein, low in calories and easy to prepare, and healthy
to get the word out = reclame maken
This Saturday I will be promoting it.
Spices >> herbs
Crunchy = krokant
One pays for good quality.
It’s good to start the day when it’s sunny.
Lente >> L for lazy
People who work in the garden all Saturday have become rare.
Many live in a hellish tempo from Monady to Saturday.
Sleek gardens > strakke tuinen
Natural gardens are coming back. A bit wilder, rougher doesn’t need as much maintenance ( onderhoud)
Lawn mower robot.
People want to enjoy the garden on the terrace and not work.
The checkout counter = kassa
Artificial flowers and plants are made from plastic. Not my style
Low outdoor seating sets >> a garden lounge
It ensures people stay longer at the table. It’s more cosy.
I don’t like plants that are too big.
15 degrees
The dirt is very cold .
The dew was frozen.
It was a bit foggy.
The grass is always greener on the other side.
NHS = National Health Service is payed for through taxes. Everything is free for all residents, except dentistry (for your teeth) and optometry (eye-doctor)
This is good for primary care. Specialised care is better when you are ensured.
Medical treatment.
Waiting times are shorter.
Financed through taxes.
My daughter has private insurance.
She has a phd = doctoraat
Gen therapy
Don’t be modest = bescheiden
The wage gap= loonskloof
Bio engineering in chemistry and process technology
A refugee= een vluchteling
To book in advance = op voorhand boeken
Henry viii had 6 wives
He divorced two, decapitated two, one died, one outlived him
Admiral Neslon defeated ( versloeg) Napoleon in the sea battle of Trafalgar
To turn a blind eye= to act as if you don’t see something
Neighbour = buur
To be continued …
Previously …
Two days ago
The day before yesterday = eergisteren
To reach = behalen
Sound of mind = gezond van geest
Mature = volwassen
I wrote
W= double you
Extended = uitgebreid
Satisfaction = voldoening
A virtue = de deugd
Virtuous = deugdelijkheid
Tour guide = gids
Accompanist = reis(bege)leider
Presentation= voorstelling
Performance = optreden
Our future trip to Argentina >> Amazing Tours
Domestic flights= binnenvlucht, binnenlands vlucht
During the afternoon
The sequel = vervolg
Fellow travelers = medereizigers
To capture = vastleggen
To reminisce= herinneringen ophalen
Afterwards = erna
An appointment= een afspraak
We travelled together = we hebben samen meermaals op reis geweest
with whom = met wie
brewery = brouwerij
The Anker
Mainly = hoofzakelijk
To explore = verkennen
An explorer = ontdekkingsreiziger
She has given = ze heeft gegeven
To drive >> drove
It rained cats and dogs = pijpestelen
A strong wind
Currently = momenteel
Earlier = vroeger
We were able to fully enjoy our drinks= we konden volledig van onze aperitief / drank genieten.
To return = terugkeren
All in all = al bij al
Delicious =heerlijk
Relaxing = ontspannend
www = world wide web
I’m a collector = verzamelaar
Short texts:
Don’t look back, laugh in the rain and dance in the storm. Don’t wait for a nice day, but make one yourself. Dare to dream.
Kijk niet achterom, lach in de regen, dans in de storm. Wacht niet op een mooie dag, maar maak één jezelf, Durf te dromen.
The entire evening = de volledige avond
It’s a pitty= het is spijtig
A plate = een bord
Youth is wasted on the young
HQ= headquarters
He bought a bucket of Hyacinths= Hij kocht
The hottest and the wettest February ever.
We went to the beach.
The only way is up.
A path = een pad
Resilience = veerkracht, weerstand
CM = Social Security Organisation
The trail (path) was covered with mud (modder) and puddles ( plasjes)
I chose to walk barefoot
Concentrate on the crowns (kruinen) of the black alders (elzen (boom)). From spring till winter they are in the water in varying water levels and various (verschillende) conditions.
Without drowning. Sometimes with some stress due to the drought ( droogte)
Due to = omwille, te wijten, dankzij
It’s its habitat, where it should be. Not all tree species can thrive (gedijen), to prosper.
A wood >> forest
To cope with adversity = met moeilijkheden omgaan >> coping mechanisms.
A residential care center => home for the elderly ( ouderen)
He can only celebrate his b-day for the 25th time
The near future = de nabije toekomst
Excited times
Presents = gifts
Gender reveal party
Name-tags= kaartjes met je naam er op
Blanket= dekentje
We are expecting = we zijn in verwachting
1425 participants from all over Flanders
12 kilometers were just a bit too much for me.
A lot of mud.
I had to drag (slepen) myself.
Wild horses could not drag me away.
Drag = Dressed as a Girl
Tomorrow morning it should be clouded (overcast = betrokken) In the afternoon it will rain cats and dogs.
Funeral = begrafenis
A relapse >> to relapse = hervallen
The doctor gave him two months.
A lecture = een lazing
Mourning and grieving= rouwen en treuren
Graveyard= churchyard= cemetery
Men mourn differently than women.
It’s important to deal with it.
To process= verwerken
To digest = verteren, verwerken
Nip it in the bud = in de kiem smoren
My tortoise = turtle on land
The oldest known living tortoise is Jonathan, a Seychelles giant tortoise. As of February 29, 2024, he is estimated to be 191 years old. He lives on Saint Helena, a British overseas territory in the South Atlantic Ocean.
A snapping turtle
The pond = de vijver
My opinion= mijn mening
An invasive species= raccoon (wasbeer), porcupine ( stekelvarken), grey squirrel
The shield of a turtle
Occupied thoughts= in beslag genomen gedachten
DUI = drive under influence
A car mechanic = garagist
He had gone out all night= hij had de hele nacht uitgegaan
The rule: Don’t drink and drive
He hasn’t drunk for over a year.
Abuse= misbruik
They will cycle in the Ardennes
My Valentine’s Day was on fire
Too broke= te blut
To underestimate= onderschatten
Rose petals = rozenblaadjes
To hack= to chop = hakken
Charcoal= houtskool
To emit heat = uitstoten
Fanning= waaieren
To pour = gieten
Obviously = blijkbaar
2a. He conducted weddings illegally between soldiers and their girlfriends.
2b. Single soldiers were better warriors
2c FYI= For Your Information
3a) Rosalie
3b) Carmen
3c) Carmen
3d) Melanie
3e) Rosalie
4) burnt pizza’s thatb looked like cow pats ( koeienvlaaien)
5) She hadn’t heard from him for a while, and thought he was busy
6) She was quiet and had drunk too much
7) Three times . Second time there were problems
Skidrow =an impoverished area, typically urban, in English-speaking North America whose inhabitants are mostly poor people "on the skids"
The slums , the ghetto, …
The black façade
To pull someone’s leg = ‘met de voeten spelen’
I proposed Beretielt
Small town
A stabber = someone who stabs
An airfield
Emergency Landing Field: Historical records suggest that the German occupiers might have used temporary landing strips or open fields in the Tielt region for emergency landings or gliders. These would not have been permanent airfields with facilities and would likely have been used only on an ad-hoc basis.
Sound of mind and body = gezond van lichaam en geest
A license plate >> a transit plate
A car mechanic works in a garage.
From pillar to post = van het kastje naar de muur
Customs = douane
A pink slip = roze papierke
Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt (KBA) = Federal Motor Transport Authority
A brand >> brand new
A sprained hand = verstuikt
To assure = verzekeren >> I assure you I didn’t look at another woman
Total loss
Valid papers
Snow-tires >> chains
What fuel does is take? Petrol
A gallon is about four litres >> It gets lost in translation
VAT= Value Added Tax = BTW
We need gas if we want to drive all the way to Chesepeake Bay.
You are not obliged to tip in the USA
A cock = a rooster ( haan)
A cook = a chef >> a sous-chef
A wine-waiter
A farmer
A peasant
Derogatory = neerbuigend >> when you look down
A lump = knobbeltje
Blunt = bruut , bot
They are back in one piece.
They bought and pimped an old car.
To refurbish
To demand = ask strongly
In a tent on the roof of a car.
A bonfire
They threatened to call the police.
The principal = the headmaster
To be on leave without pay = verlof zonder wedde
Stuck in the dessert
Solar energy
A contractor = loonwerker
The car consumes much gas.
Four-wheel drive
Quicksand = drijfzand
The bodywork of a car = koetswerk
Every cloud has a silver lining
Let’s call it a day = Bob’s your uncle
A hermit lives by himself= kluisenaar
A monastery
A frock = pij
Men from ‘the cloth’
A man of the cloth is a clergyman, minister, priest, or other religious leader.
A painted ceiling
A courtyard = binnenplein
Donations by the rich
Job hunting
A volunteer does voluntary work
I want some pocket money
A girlfriend of mine
The Mediterranean
I ‘ll get bored
A cabin with a porthole = patrijspoort
To depart = to set sail
A confined place
The inhabitants don’t like the boat people.
To embark
Chips = fries
Three employers
To peel potatoes
To slice the potatoes
Starch = zetmeel
Mashed potatoes >> potato mash
Conveyor belt = loopband
A supervisor
Parsnip= pastinaak