April 18

My holiday was one of driving and taking care of sick people

Kudos = chapeau


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A bad cold quickly turned out to be covid

Mild fever= milde koorts

Loss of taste and smell=  verlies van smaak en reuk

No breathing difficulties

I get tired easily

The freezer has ice cold food

The fridge has food that is cool

All’s well that ends well

It wears out = het raakt uitgewerkt


I worked

Remembrance Day = Armistice : wapenstilstand

A telephone call

He was ill = ziek

Headache = hoofdpijn

Sore throat = ruw / hees keel

Empty-handed = met lege handen

What would make you happy = wat zou u gelukkig maken?

Can you speak slowly please= Kan je een beetje trager praten?

Slowly, but surely = langzaam maar zeker

To invite = uitnodigen

To accept = aanvaarden

To decline = afwijzen

I’m afraid I can’t make it= Ik vrees dat het niet zal lukken

The parents lit the candles at the moment the band started playing

My birthday is

on October 25th

April 28th

April 2nd

November 11th

April 9th

Labour Day is May 1st ( The first of May)

Valentine’s Day is on February 14th

Mother’s Day is May 12th

Father’s Day is June 9th

Election Day is June 9th

Election = verkiezingen

Saint Nicolas is on December 6th

New Year’s Day is on January 1st

Christmas is on December 25th

Start of spring is on March 21st

Summer vacation starts on July 1st

Our Lady’s ascension day is on August 15th

School starts September 1st

9 /11 happened on September 11th


Hieronder het materiaal voor derde trimester ( in kleur) 

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